The Creative Webb

Faith, Family, Life, Creating

For the love of reading

Jennifer WebbComment

Reading has always been a love of mine. I can't remember not ever being surrounded by books. I feel very at peace in libraries and book stores. I love the smell and the atmosphere. 

This year I plan to be more proactive in tackling my reading list. I have realize that I have neglected educating myself through reading. I thought I could rely solely on information on the internet but I find that I focus better with a real book. There are several 'professional development ' books on my shelf ready to go. 

I have also started using the Goodreads app. It's fun to browse the lists and find new treasures. I have set a goal of 25 books this year and I'm looking forward to finding some new books to love. 

OLW 2016

Jennifer Webb2 Comments

I have selected a yearly word for the past five years and feel like it's a helpful thing to participate in. I was introduced to the concept by Ali Edwards and she has a class every year. I took the class last year and highly recommend it.  

In the past selecting a word was easy, almost like the words found me. This year not so much. When the first week of 2016 came and went with no word jumping out at me, I decided to not stress and give myself until the end of January. 

I've decided on the word 'embrace'. There are several areas of my life I want to see improvement in and I like the idea of embracing those areas. I want to embrace time with God, embrace time with my family and embrace creativity. 

I will share more on my journey with this word as the year goes on!

A blog revival

Jennifer WebbComment

Here we are in 2016. I'm going to try this blog thing again this year. I have a lot of ideas and great intentions, we will see how it goes! 

Like most people I always think of January as a great time to reflect, plan and make changes. I don't have a great track record in the resolution department so I'm just going to forget that concept. I just this week decided on my word for the year and I'm taking the whole month to make plans for the rest of the year. I want to be more productive and I'm going to try the slow and steady approach. I'll keep you posted!

I'm going to get crafty this weekend so come back to see what I accomplish! 


Thankful Thursday

Jennifer WebbComment

It's another snow day here in Tennessee. Which is very unusual for this time of year. I'm not complaining but I am more than ready for spring. Thinking about the weather makes me very thankful for our home. To have shelter is something we take for granted. I try to remember to pray for those who don't have a home, I pray they can always find some place safe, I pray that God will send someone in their path who can help them.  

Scrappy Flashback Friday

Jennifer WebbComment

I have very little of my scrappy work posted online so I've decided that I will start putting some older projects here on the blog. Today I've picked a two page layout from 2009. Since we have just survived a snow/ice event this week, I thought this 'snow day' spread was appropriate!

All the products on the layout are from KI Memories.


Thankful Thursday!

Jennifer WebbComment

Today I am thankful for my scrappy friends! Not only do I have a hobby I love but I am part of a community to share with. 

Saturday I got to participate in another episode of The Scrap Gals podcast! Tracie and Tiffany are a couple of my oldest scrappy friends and the most fun! 

This episode was all about throwing a Pinterest Party. As you will hear, this is an idea that I really want to put together! One of the projects I would like to do is this initial planter craft. Obviously, I'll have to wait until it is spring but celebrating spring is just another great reason to have a party! Who wants to join me?

Hover over the image to go to original post or go to my Pinterest board, Fun Crafts. I have several projects pinned that I want to.



A mini album!

Jennifer Webb3 Comments

I got to spend some scrappy time with a friend last Friday night. I didn't have time to prepare so that afternoon I just grabbed some random stuff, my computer and my Epson Picturemate. In this pile of randomness was a Teresa Collins kit that I picked up at Home Goods probably two years ago. I pulled up some photos of a family day last spring when we went horseback riding.

Why have I been hoarding this mini album kit for so long? I have decided I'm going to start using my stash and quit thinking that I am saving it for a 'special' project!


I have some journaling to add but other than that, I'm happy with how it turned out! Thanks for taking a peek!

Happy Monday Morning!

Jennifer WebbComment

After a fun filled Super Bowl Sunday feast, (I'm all about the food not the game!)



I was really hoping for a snow day but Mother Nature left me disappointed again. So I had to brave the cold to take the girls to school and make a trip to Walmart. The Walmart trip was made enjoyable by The Scrap Gals podcast. These girls are so funny and make my Monday mornings something to look forward to! Once groceries were put away and laundry started, I sat down to surf the 'net. Got a nice surprise on Tiffany's blog with a shout out to me and the podcast I got to be a guest one. Tiffany's blog is so fun and real. Go check it out, Living a Lowder Life and Tracie's blog is also awesome and full of crafty goodness, My Happy Life Check them both out as soon as you can!

While scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post by Simple Stories and a link to their blog which has a post on planners today. And they have a download of 13 free printables for your planner. I am printing them as I type this! Since I am using Simple Stories products in my planner, the colors match perfectly! 

Thankful Thursday

Jennifer Webb1 Comment

Very thankful today for sunshine! And warm temps! I need days like today to get through the winter. This time of year is my least favorite and I just wish humans could hibernate. The cold and the dreary weather are not my friends. If it must be cold then I need the sun to shine. Days like today give me the burst that I need to get to the next unusually warm day. Today reminds me of the promise that spring will come! It also reminds me of why I really enjoy living in Tennessee. We get a taste of all four seasons and a change will come just when you think you have reached your limit!




A podcast and a video!

Jennifer Webb2 Comments

Saturday I was invited by my long time scrappy friends, Tracie Claiborne and Tiffany Lowder to be a guest on their podcast, The Scrap Gals! I can't tell you how fun it was! These two girls are fabulous! So the podcast topic was Memory Planners. Please go take a listen! 

I did a little video to show you my planner as it is at the moment. This is my first video ever so I apologize for the non professional quality. I will continue to give updates as I get crafty with it!  

Some winter touches

Jennifer Webb1 Comment

I get bored easily. And I don't like clutter. So our home is sparsely decorated. Our mantle in our family room gets the most attention and I love changing it out for the seasons and holidays. At Christmas our house is the most decked out so by the time January comes around I'm ready for a lean slate. Decorations are minimal with a nod toward winter. White, silver and blue are the things I look for. Below is our mantle and an arrangement on our breakfast table.  


Thankful Thursday

Jennifer WebbComment

My plan is that Thursday's will be "thankful Thursday" here on the blog. I want to be more aware of all the positive aspects of this life God has blessed me with! I have a journal section in my planner that I record a daily, thankful thought.  

Today I am thankful for the miracle of sight. Mark had his second cataract surgery yesterday. It's amazing to me what modern medicine can do. I'm so thankful we live in a time where they can fix these kinds of things. After two cataracts and two detached retinas, Mark would be blind if not for the miracle of science. There is so much to see and admire in this world and I'm so grateful Mark will continue to be able to enjoy it all! 


A Happy Birthday!

Jennifer WebbComment

Monday, Jan. 19 was our Kirsten's 11th birthday. Always bittersweet for parents and exciting for kids. The day was made more special by the fact that school was closed for MLK Day. This gave me the opportunity to spend the day with her and spoil her a little bit. Her friend McKenna brought her doughnuts for breakfast then we went to Giggles Salon in Gallatin for a haircut, fancy braid and mani/pedis. We then picked up two other friends and I took them to the movies. They choose to see 'Annie' and said they really enjoyed it. Dinner was at home with pizza and Jessica's famous strawberry cake. The perfect ending to a 'Happy' birthday!


A New Year - A New Start

Jennifer WebbComment

Today marks the beginning of this blog and my relationship with the world. I am excited to meet you and to see where this path will take me. My plan is very loose at this point but my tagline gives you an idea of my current thoughts. "Faith, Family, Life, Creating" pretty much sums up what I think the content of this blog will be.

My relationship with God and my family are my top priorities.

Life cannot be ignored! Its funny, chaotic and worth recording!

Creating makes me happy! Paper, paint, photography, decorating and organizing are just a few things I dabble in. 

Thanks for joining me!